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By and by we shall know Jesus

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Versie door DsWim (overleg | bijdragen) op 13 dec 2020 om 19:41 (Vertalingen)
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By and by we shall know Jesus
“By and by”
Vorm Lied met refrein
Taal Engels
Land Verenigde Staten
Periode 1871
Dichter Eben Eugene Rexford
Metrisch 8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7
Componist Philip Paul Bliss
Melodie By and by we shall know Jesus
Solmisatie 5-3-5-3-3-2-1-6-6-5
Sacred Songs & Solos 968

By and by we shall know Jesus (“By and by”) is een lied van Eben Eugene Rexford (1848-1916), voorzien van muziek door Philip Paul Bliss.


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“By and by”
1 By and by we shall know Jesus,
By and by, oh, by and by;
Even now He looks and sees us,
Journeying t’ward His home on high.
And He smiles upon us, saying,
“By and by, oh, by and by,
Cares and trials you’ll be laying
With your earthly garments by.”

“By and by,” we sing it softly,
Thinking not of earthly care,
But the “by and by” of heaven
Waiting for us over there.

2 By and by we shall be standing,
By and by, oh, by and by,
At fair heaven’s shining landing,
While the river murmurs by;
And our friends will round us gather,
By and by, oh, by and by,
Saying, “Welcome, for the Father
Loves to have His children nigh.”


3 “By and by,” we say it gently,
Looking on our peaceful dead,
And we do not think of earth-life,
But of heaven’s sweet life instead,
By and by we all shall gather,
By and by, oh, by and by,
In the love of God our Father
That shall know no “by and by.”



Het lied verscheen in Bliss’ The Charm. A Collection of Sunday School Music, Chicago: Published by Root & Cady, [1871], p. 9.



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