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I've found the pearl of greatest price

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Versie door DsWim (overleg | bijdragen) op 6 nov 2020 om 00:53
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I’ve found the pearl of greatest price
A Song of Praise for Christ
Vorm Strofelied
Lied met refrein
Taal Engels
Land Engeland
Periode 1683
Dichter John Mason
Metrisch 8-6-8-6-8-6-8-6
Componist Philip Paul Bliss
Melodie I've found the pearl of greatest price (Bliss)
Solmisatie 5-5-1-3-4-3-2-1-1-2-2-3-4-3
Gospel Hymns 176
Sacred Songs & Solos 88

I’ve found the pearl of greatest price (A Song of Praise for Christ) is een lied van John Mason (1645-1694); het vond zijn weg in de Gospel Hymns traditie met een melodie van Philip Paul Bliss.


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Mason Bliss

A Song of Praise for Christ
1 I’ve found the Pearl of greatest Price,
My Heart doth sing for Joy:
And sing I must, a Christ I have;
O what a Christ have I?
Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life,
The Way to God and Glory;
Life to the Dead, the Truth of Types,
The Truth of Ancient Story.

2 Christ is a Prophet, Priest and King;
A Prophet full of Light:
A Priest that stands ’twixt God and Man,
A King that rules with Might.
Christ’s Manhood is a Temple, where
The Altar, God doth rest:
My Christ, he is the Sacrifice;
My Christ, he is the Priest.

3 My Christ, he is the Lord of Lords,
He is the King of Kings;
He is the Son of Righteousness
With Healing in his Wings.
My Christ, he is the Tree of Life
Which in God’s Garden grows;
Whose Fruit does feed, whose Leaves do heal;
My Christ is Sharon’s Rose.

4 Christ is my Meat, Christ is my Drink,
My Physick and my Health;
My Peace, my Strength, my Joy, my Crown,
My Glory, and my Wealth.
Christ is my Father and my Friend,
My Brother and my Love:
My Head, my Hope, my Counsellor,
My Advocate above.

5 My Christ, he is the Heaven of Heaven
My Christ what shall I call?
My Christ is First, my Christ is Last,
My Christ is All in All.

The Pearl of Greatest Price
1 I’ve found the pearl of greatest price!
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ is mine!
Christ shall my song employ.

I’ve found the pearl of greatest price!
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ is mine!
Christ shall my song employ.

2 Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King;
My Prophet full of light,
My great High Prest before the throne,
My King of heavenly might.


3 For He indeed is Lord of lords,
And He the King of kings;
He is the Sun of Righteousness,
With healing in his wings.


4 Christ is my peace; he died for me,
For me He shed His blood;
And as my wondrous Sacrifice,
Offered Himself to God.


5 Christ Jesus is my all in all,
My comfort and my love;
My life below, and he shall be
My joy and crown above.



Het lied verscheen in 1683 als No. 13 in Mason’s Spiritual Songs, or Songs of Praise with Penitential Cries to Almighty God […], ongeveer als boven (13e editie 1725). De melodie en de bijbehorende tekstversie van Bliss verschenen in 1878 als nr. 79 in Gospel Hymns No. 3.


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