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Only a step to Jesus
Mogelijk staat het wel in andere liedbundels. Kijk hiervoor in de infobox rechts, onder het kopje 'Liedbundels'.
Only a step to Jesus Only a Step | |
Vorm | Lied met refrein |
Herkomst | |
Taal | Engels |
Land | Verenigde Staten |
Periode | 1873 |
Tekst | |
Dichter | Fanny Crosby |
Metrisch | 7-6-7-6 |
Muziek | |
Componist | William Howard Doane |
Melodie | Only a step to Jesus |
Solmisatie | 3-3-3-4-3-2-1-6-5-1-1-3-2 |
Liedbundels | |
Gospel Hymns 66 | |
Sacred Songs & Solos 448 |
Only a step to Jesus (Only a Step) is een lied van Fanny Crosby, van muziek voorzien door William Howard Doane.
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Only a Step
1 Only a step to Jesus!
Then why not take it now?
Come, and, thy sin confessing,
To Him thy Saviour bow.
Only a step, Only a step;
Come, He waits for thee;
Come, and, thy sin confessing,
Thou shalt receive a blessing;
Do not reject the mercy
He freely offers thee.
2 Only a step to Jesus!
Believe, and thou shalt live;
Lovingly now He’s waiting,
And ready to forgive.
3 Only a step to Jesus!
A step from sin to grace;
What has thy heart decided?
The moments fly apace.
4 Only a step to Jesus!
O why not come, and say,
Gladly to Thee, my Saviour,
I give myself away.
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