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See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass

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Versie door DsWim (overleg | bijdragen) op 21 nov 2020 om 19:30
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See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass
Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all Men
Vorm Strofelied
Taal Engels
Land Engeland
Periode 1741
Dichter Charles Wesley
Metrisch 8-7-8-7-8-7

See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass (Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all Men) is een lied van Charles Wesley, in eerste instantie in 18 strofen, later opgesplitst in onderdelen: See, sinners, in the gospel glass (strofe 1-4), Sinners, believe the gospel word (strofe 6-9) en Would Jesus have the sinner die? (strofe 12, 14, 16 en 18).


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1 See, Sinners, in the Gospel-Glass,
The Friend, and Saviour of Mankind!
Not One of all th’ Apostate Race,
But may in Him Salvation find.
His Thoughts, and Words, and Actions prove
His Life, and Death — that God is Love!

2 Behold the Lamb of God, who bears
The Sins o fall the World away!
A Servant’s Form he meekly wears,
He sojourns in an House of Clay;
His Glory is no longer seen,
But God with God is Man with Men.

3 See where the God Incarnate stands,
And calls his wand’ring Creatures home!
all Day long spreads out his Hands,
“Come, weary Souls, to Jesus come!
“Ye all may hide you in my Breast,
“Believe, and I will give you Rest.

4 “Ah! do not of my Goodness doubt,
“My saving Grace for All is free;
“I will in no wise cast him out
“Who comes, a Sinner, unto Me,
“I can to none Myself deny:
“Why, Sinners, will ye perish, why?

5 (The mournful cause let Jesus tell)
“They will not come to Me, and live:
“I did not force them to rebel,
“Or call, when I had nought to give,
“Invite them to believe a Lie,
“Or any Soul of Man pass by.”

6 Sinners, believe the Gospel-Word,
Jesus is come, your Souls to save!
Jesus is come, your Common Lord!
Pardon ye All in Him may have;
May now be saved, whoever will:
This Man receiveth Sinners still.

7 See where the Lame, the Halt, the Blind,
The Deaf, the Dumb, the Sick, the Poor
Flock to the Friend of Humankind,
And freely all accept their Cure:
To whom doth He his Help deny?
Whom in his Days of Flesh pass by?

8 Did not his Word, the Fiends expel?
The Lepers cleanse, and raise the Dead?
Did He not all their Sickness heal,
And satisfy their every Need?
Did He reject his helpless Clay,
Or send them sorrowful away?

9 Nay, but his Bowels yearn’d to see
The People hungry, scatter’d, faint:
Nay but He utter’d over Thee
Jerusalem, a True Complaint:
Jerusalem, who shed’st his Blood,
That, with his Tears, for Thee hath flow’d.

10 How oft for thy Hardheartedness
Did Jesus in his Spirit groan!
The Things belonging to thy Peace,
Hadst Thou, O bloody City, known,
Thee, turning in thy gracious Day,
He never would have cast away.

11 He wept, because Thou wouldst not see
The Grace which sure Salvation brings:
How oft would He have gather’d Thee,
And cherish’d underneath his Wings;
But Thou wouldst not — unhappy Thou!
And justly art Thou harden’d now.

12 Would Jesus have the Sinner die?
Why hangs He then on yonder Tree?
What means that strange expiring Cry?
(Sinners He prays for You and Me)
“Forgive them, Father, O forgive,
“They know not that by me they live!”

13 He prays for Those that shed his Blood:
And who from Jesus Blood is pure/
Who hath not crucify’d his God?
Whose Sins did not his Death procure?
If all have sinn’d thro’ Adam’s Fall,
Our second Adam died for all.

14 Adam descended from above
Our Loss of Eden to retrieve,
Great God of Universal Love,
If all the World in Thee may live,
In Us a quick’ning Spirit be,
And Witness, Thou hast died for Me!

15 Extend to Me the cleansing Tide
Which freely flow’d for all Mankind,
Open the Fountain of thy Side,
In Thee may I Redemption find,
Give me Redemption in thy Blood:
For me, and all Mankind it flow’d.

16 Dear, loving, all-atoning Lamb,
Thee by thy painful Agony,
Thy bloody-Sweat, thy Grief and Shame,
Thy Cross and Passion on the Tree,
Thy precious Death, and Life, I pray:
Take all, take all my Sins away!

17 O let me kiss thy bleeding Feet,
And bath, and wash them with my Tears,
The Story of thy Love repeat
In every drooping Sinner’s Ears,
That all may hear the quick’ning Sound,
If I, ev’n I have Mercy found!

18 O let thy Love my Heart constrain,
Thy Love for every Sinner free,
That every fallen Soul of Man
May taste the Grace that found out me,
That All Mankind with me may prove
Thy Sovereign Everlasting Love.


Het complete lied (zoals boven) werd gepubliceerd in [Charles Wesley], Hymns on God’s Everlasting Love. To which is added, The Cry of a Reprobate, Bristol: Printed by S. and F. Farley, at Shakespeare’s-Head, in Castle-Green, 1741, p. 20-23.



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