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There is love, true love, and the heart grows warm

Uit Kerkliedwiki
Versie door DsWim (overleg | bijdragen) op 13 dec 2020 om 21:45 (Tekst)
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There is love, true love, and the heart grows warm
He Came to Bethany
Vorm Lied met refrein
Taal Engels
Land Verenigde Staten
Periode 1872

There is love, true love, and the heart grows warm (He Came to Bethany) is een lied van Philip Paul Bliss op een melodie van James McGranahan.

Opname beluisteren


He Came to Bethany
1 There is love, true love, and the heart grows warm,
When the Lord to Bethany comes;
And the word of life has a wondrous charm,
When the Lord to Bethany comes.

’Twas a happy, happy day in the olden time,
When the Lord to Bethany came,
Open wide the door, let Him enter now!
For His love is ever the same!
His love is ever the same!
His love is ever the same!
Open wide the door, let Him enter now!
For His love is ever the same!

2 There is joy, glad joy, and a feast is spread,
When the Lord to Bethany comes;
For His heavenly voice brings to life the dead,
When the Lord to Bethany comes.


3 There is peace, sweet peace, and the life grows calm,
When the Lord to Bethany comes;
And the trusting soul sings a sweet, soft psalm,
When the Lord to Bethany comes.


4 There is faith, strong faith, and our home seems near,
When the Lord to Bethany comes;
And the crown more bright, and the cross more dear,
When the Lord to Bethany comes.





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