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When my final farewell to the world I have said

Uit Kerkliedwiki
Versie door DsWim (overleg | bijdragen) op 10 dec 2020 om 21:19 (Vertalingen)
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When my final farewell to the world I have said
Waiting and Watching for Me
Vorm Lied met refrein
Taal Engels
Land Verenigde Staten
Periode 1862
Dichter Mary Anne Hearn
Metrisch 12-8-11-8-11-8
Componist Philip Paul Bliss
Melodie When my final farewell to the world I have said (Bliss)
Solmisatie 3-4-5-5-5-6-5-5-5-4-5-3
Gospel Hymns 116

When my final farewell to the world I have said (Waiting and Watching for Me) is een lied van Marianne Farningham, pseudoniem van Mary Anne Hearn (1834–1909), met muziek van o.a. Philip Paul Bliss.


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Waiting and Watching for Me
1 When my final farewell to the world I have said,
And gladly lie down to my rest;
When softly the watchers shall say, “He is dead,”
And fold my pale hands o’er my breast;
And when, with my glorified vision at last
The walls of “That City” I see,
Will any one then, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me?
Will any one then, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me?
Be waiting and watching for me? (2x)

2 There are little ones glancing about in my path,
In want of a friend and a guide;
There are little eyes looking up into mine,
Whose tears might be easily dried.
But Jesus may beckon the children away
In the midst of their grief and their glee —
Will any of them, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me?
Will any of them, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me?
Be waiting and watching for me? (2x)

3 There are old and forsaken who linger awhile
In homes which their dearest have left;
And a few gentle words or an action of love
May cheer their sad spirits bereft.
But the Reaper is near to the long-standing corn,
The weary will soon be set free —
Will any of them, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me?
Will any of them, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me?
Be waiting and watching for me? (2x)

4 Oh, should I be brought there by the bountiful grace
Of Him who delights to forgive,
Though I bless not the weary about in my path,
Pray only for self while I live —
Methinks I should mourn o’er my sinful neglect,
If sorrow in heaven can be,
Should no one I love, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me!
Should no one I love, at the beautiful gate,
Be waiting and watching for me!
Be waiting and watching for me! (2x)




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